How did you create this blog?
To create this blog I used a template provided by I would highly recommend this website to anyone in need of a girly template for a website! After downloading the template, you upload it using, which you can then edit and customise!

Why did you create this blog?
I created this blog because I can't always be on YouTube, so when I'm not, I will post on this blog to keep you updated! It was inspired by my YouTube channel, which I will have linked below and on this page.

What do you use to take your pictures?
To take my pictures I use the Canon t5i (700D)

What do you use to edit your photos?
To edit my photos I use Photoshop or iPhoto on Mac.

I want to start my own YouTube channel but I'm afraid of what people will say?
This is my most frequent question I get asked and my advice is that you suck it up and just go for it. Remember, they think they are amazing hating on people from behind a screen but face-to-face they are losers with no friends. If you are worried about people from school finding out, don't use your full name as your username and don't tell a soul! Unless you have a loyal best friend you can tell anything to. ;) Also, see if they have the guts to upload a video for the entire world to see. They don't!

What name could I call my blog? Any advice or ideas?
I'm not a hugely creative person so I couldn't say any off the top of my head but I can give you advice on how to make one. Choose an adjective you like the sound of. My personal favourite is 'vintage'. Then, add a noun or a random word such as 'star' or 'cloud' or 'bay'. Finally, put them together to create your username! i.e- 'VintageBay'

Advice for growing my blog/channel?
My main piece of advice for growing your channel is to interact! Don't be that shy kid that sits in the corner! The Internet is a place where you can truly express yourself and let your confidence through! Get to know other people. Comment on their videos or blog and ask if they would want to get to know you a bit. Also, don't expect success to come all at once. Be patient and don't give up. Write or talk about things that are popular right now. If you are focusing on beauty, post images/videos on your makeup collection, handbag collection and bedroom! These are things that will get people to see your posts! 

What do you use to create your thumbnails/channel banner?
I use pic monkey to create both. The picture below was created for free on pic monkey. You do have the option to upgrade to premium and this enables you to use more features. I'm sure one day I will upgrade but for now I'm happy using the free version. :)

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