Friday 17 October 2014

Urban Decay Lush Lash mascara review

The first thing that drew me to this mascara was definitely the packaging. The sleek lavender packaging with a vine-like design really attracted me to this product. Obviously, I can't just judge a product by its appearance so I tried out the mascara itself. I have to say I wasn't disappointed. 

First of all, the shape of the brush really helps to shape and lengthen my lashes. I always have a huge problem when testing mascaras and that is applying it to my bottom lashes. The brush always ends up being to big and just doesn't work. With this brush, applying mascara to my bottom lashes has never been easier! 

Another thing I want to mention is how little you actually need to use. Also, because you don't need to use a lot, the clumping of lashes doesn't occur. I am so thankful for that because whenever my eyelashes clump, I always find myself picking my lashes and that isn't good. As well as that, it is good for your lashes health-wise. It states on the Urban Decay website that it helps nourish and lengthen lashes. Personally, I haven't noticed a huge difference but I have long eyelashes anyway so maybe that’s why?

I know a lot of mascara buyer’s worry about the formulae flaking; however, many online reviews and I agree that it doesn't flake. One less thing to worry about! You don't have to worry about looking fake either because this is very natural looking mascara. It has a natural black colour, separates lashes and applies evenly. I use around 4 coats and they still look natural! 

In conclusion, I would 100% recommend this product to anyone looking for a new mascara.  Especially to those of you that may have sensitive eyes as it causes absolutely no irritation. Another bonus is that is that you don't need a skip-full of baby wipes to remove this; it easily comes off with soap and water without the black ring around your eyes. 

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